Funny Jokes and Funny Stories: A Collection of Present Day Jokes Collected from the Leading Humorous Journals...With Illustrations
$US 37.50

Funny Jokes and Funny Stories: A Collection of Present Day Jokes Collected from the Leading Humorous Journals...With Illustrations

Imprint: Racine, Wisconsin, Western Publishing & Litho. Co.
Binding: Softback

No date, but circa 1910. Color illustration on front cover of Black man with exagerated features, wearing outlandish bow tThe illustration is signed "Ray Gleason." From "The Star Series" by the publisher. Despite the cover, the jokes are of a general nature and par for the course of the time. 4 x 5 1/4 inches. 64 pages, complete.. Book. Book Condition: Very Good. Binding: Soft cover

Stock number: 018711.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books
