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The McShane Bell Foundry E. B. Ferguson: The Tower Clock and How to Make It Biographic Sketch of Mohammed Ali, Pacha of Egypt, Syria, and Arabia
W. M. Flinders Petrie: Kahun, Gurob, and Hawara A. De Ridder: Catalogue des Vases Peints de la Bibliotheque Nationale [2-Volume Set] M. Gaston Jondet: Les Ports Submerges de L'ancienne Ile de Pharos
M. Gustave Lefebvre: Le Tombeau de Petosiris [3-Volume Set] James Cook: A Voyage Towards the South Pole, and round the world. Performed in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Adventure, in the Years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775 [2-Volume Set] William Lewin: Observations Respecting Some Rare British Insects
James Edward Smith: Account of the Canis Graius Hibernicus, or Irish Wolf Dog John Blackwall: A History of Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland [2-Volume Set] R. Campbell Thompson: The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon in the British Museum [2-Volume Set]
J.M.W. Silver: Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs William Kitchen Parker: On the Morphology of the Duck and the Auk Tribes Wilhelm Friedrich Freiherr v. Gleichen-Russwurm,: Versuch einer Geschichte der Blatläuse und Blatlausfreser des Ulmenbaums
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S. F. Starley: Two Obstetrical Heresies Petri Paaw: Primitiae Anatomicae De Humani Corporis Ossibus The Fortunes of Ferdinand Flipper
William John Halfpenny: Rural Architecture in the Gothick Taste Fancy Chairs and Rockers [Catalogue] llustrated Catalogue of the Walter Heywood Chair Co.'s Chairs
Lilian Clisby Bridgham: The Marriage of Jack and Jill: A Mother Goose Entertainment in Two Scenes Edward Levinstein: Morbid Craving for Morphia. (Die Morphiumsucht.): A Monograph Founded on Personal Observations Ester F. Rupell: Mittens! Mittens! Mittens!
B. C. Freeman: The Indians of Queen Charlotte Islands L. Tripe: Stereographs of Madura Nicolaas Laurens Burman: Flora Indica
L. W. Dillwyn: A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells, arranged according to the Linnæan Method, with Particular Attention to the Synonymy [2-Volume Set] John Gould: A Monograph Of The Odontophorinae, Or, Patridges Of America Moses Harris: An Exposition of English Insects
H. L. Fairchild: Glacial Waters in the Finger Lakes Region of New York F. P. Gulliver: Planation and Dissection of the Ural Mountains Edward Orton: Geological Structure of the Iola Gas Field
Grove Karl Gilbert: Glacial Sculpture in Western New York Irene Aloha Wright: Santiago de Cuba and Its District (1607-1640): Villaverde Fred B. Perkins: The Central Park: Photographed
J. C. Adam: The Bird Life of an Outer Island Tom Speedy: British Birds of Prey Bruce Campbell: Old Dovecots (Scotland)
Symington Grieve: The Red Deer, Fox, Wild Cat, and Golden Eagle in the Glen Garry Forest W. G. Aitchison Robertson: The Common Cat J. C. Adam: The Long-Eared Owl
Symington Grieve: Griddle or Greidell Ine or Een, Otherwise Known as Griadal Fhinn Robert Service: Bird Migration in Solway John Lindsay: A Rare British Freshwater Alga
D. W. Wilson: Robert Burns and The Song-Birds of Scotland D. A. Boyd: Notes on the Parasitic Ascomycetes Thomas Scott: Some Trematodes Parasitic on British Fishes
F. L. McKeever: A Contribution to the Alga-Flora of Mid-Lothian Alex Wilson: The Birds of Nairn Rupert Smith: Notes on a Visit to Egypt
F. B. Turnbull: Iceland Spar and the Polariscope Thomas Bacon: Roman Villa, Discovered at Bisley, Gloucestershire Albert Way: The Legend of Saint Werstan and the First Christian Establishment at Great Malvern
George Du Noyer: Notice of the Cross-Legged Sepulchral Effigies, Existing at Cashel I. H. P: Long Wittenham Church, Berkshire Albert Way: Notices of Ancient Ornaments, Vestments, and Appliances of Sacred Use
William J. Thoms: Some Observations Upon the "Danse Macabre" or the Dance of Death Albert Way: Decorative Processes Connected with the Arts During the Middle Ages Ancient Oratories of Cornwall
William Drake: Sepulchral Brasses Samuel Birch: Notice of an Anglo-Roman Sarcophagus Discovered in Hertfordshire Charles Henry Hartshorne: On the Ancient Parliament and Castle of Acton Burnell
W. B: Notice of a Roman Villa Recently Discovered at Wheatley, Near Oxford I. H. P: Thornton Abbey, Lincolnshire Samuel Birch: On the Torc of the Celts
John Leyden: A Comparative Vocabulary of the Barma, Malayu and Thai Languages Nicolas Gervais: Description Historique du Royaume de Macaçar: Divisee en Trois Livres China: Pictorial, Descriptive, and Historical
Philalethes: Jean Chrétien Baud Lemire: Exposé Chronologique des Relations du Cambodge avec le Siam, l'Annam & la France John Crawfurd: On the Aryan, or Indo-Germanic Theory
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