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Joint West-Bound Freight Tariff Via Rail and Lake, Season of 1901, Between the Boston & Albany Railroad, New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Western Transit Co., Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Wabash Lake Line (Lake Erie Trans. Co.)

Imprint: Boston, Mass, W.H. Porter, 1901
Binding: Softback

57 pages; rate tables; gray paper wrapper with title on the cover (5 1/2 x 8 1/4). Stamped N.P. Ry. No. 8729 on the cover. In very good clean condition.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Very Good. Binding: Soft cover

Stock number: 13629.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 25.00Add To Cart
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