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Original Mounted Photograph. "Sackville St, Dublin. 2265. W.L."

circa.1880s. Mounted photograph on a board (6 1/2 x 4 3/8 inch photo mounted on a 7 3/4 x 7 inch board) with title at the right bottom of the photo. Image looking down Sackville Street (O'Connell Street) toward the Nelson Pillar with people and trolleys moving along the street. Though the name was changed in 1924 Sackville Street has served as the main street in Dublin, Ireland and contains the most monuments. The Nelson Pillar in the photo was built in 1808 and bombed in 1966 by a IRA splinter group. Fine clean copy.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Fine. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 12635.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 25.00Add To Cart
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