Original Stereocard Photograph. "City Blacksmith Shoeing Buffalo on Streets of Tarsus, Syria."
Imprint: Meadville, PA, Keystone View Company
# 11156 (491). Stereograph on gray board (7 x 3 1/2 inch) with commentary on the backside about the shoeing of animals of burden and the need to shoe animals in Syria because of the rough ground. Also brief info on the city of Tarsus. Image of the blacksmith shoeing the animal with several gentlemen standing around watching. Clean copy, with some stain marks on the backside not effecting the photos.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Very Good. Binding: No Binding
Stock number: 9340.
Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books
$US 15.00 | 
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