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Original Stereocard Photograph. "Palisades of the Hudson River, Looking North, New Jersey."

Imprint: Meadville, PA, Keystone View Company

# 16730 (23). Stereograph on gray board (7 x 3 1/2 inch) with commentary on the backside about the Palisades on the western side of the Hudson from Hoboken to Piermont and their visual impact to those that pass by and as a park area. View from atop a cliff which reach some 500 feet above the river in a most dramatic fashion. Fine clean copy.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Fine. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 9515.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 15.00Add To Cart

Original Stereocard Photograph. "The Palisades, And Englewood Steamboat Landing."

Imprint: Chicago, Illinois, Lovejoy & Foster

# 140 of the 'Hudson River Scenery' set in the "New Series, American Scenery". Stereograph on orange board (7 x 4 inch) with title list on the backside with title underlined. ca.1870s. Photographs with square corners of the Hudson River looking down from the Palisades at Englewood Landing. Clean copy.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Very Good. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 9602.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 20.00Add To Cart
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