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Original Stereocard Photograph: "Plowing Rich Prairie Soil with Tractor, South Dakota

Imprint: Keystone View Company

3 1/4 by 7 inches. Numbered 178-16733 by the publisher. Shows rear view of farmer on a tractor with a plow behind. Two columns of text on back explaining the photo and what was then modern farming. Circa 1910. Letter "B" written on back.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Very Good. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 7642.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 15.00Add To Cart

Original Stereocard Photograph. "Tractor with Cable Drawing Harrow and Pulverizer to Prepare Soil for Planting Sugar Cane, Lima, Peru, So.Am."

Imprint: Meadville, PA, Keystone View Company

# 21869 (332). Stereograph on gray board (7 x 3 1/2 inch) with commentary on the backside about the preparation of the soil, planting and harvesting of the sugar cane. Good image of the tractor, which is cable drawn in a foreward-backward method, as it tills the field on a large estate. Nice clean copy.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Fine. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 9281.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 15.00Add To Cart

Original Stereocard Photograph. "Reclaiming Swamp Land - Digging Ditch with Tractor And Laying Drain Tile, Wisconsin."

Imprint: Meadville, PA, Keystone View Company

# 16732 (161). Stereograph on gray board (7 x 3 1/2 inch) with commentary on the backside discussing how farmers reclaimed land in the midwest before tractors. Clean image of a team of men operating a tractor as it digs the ditch and laying the pipe down in a farm field.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Fine. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 9483.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 15.00Add To Cart
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