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The Right and Practice of Impressment, as Concerning Great Britain and America, Considered

Imprint: London, None, 1819
Binding: Softback

Disbound. 35-page booklet. "Great Britain, being engaged in war, claims a right to the services of all her natural-born subjects; and, when she finds them endeavouring to neutralise and shelter themselves under a foreign flag, she compels their services exactly on the same principle that she would do if the men were found in England, or in British ships. This right America seems (for her language is not very explicit) to deny on two grounds". Etc.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Very Good. Binding: Disbound

Stock number: 4758.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Barry Cassidy Rare Books

$US 37.50Add To Cart
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