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Bushell, M.E.
Bioactive Metabolites from Microorganisms (Progress in Individual Microbiology , Volume 27)

Imprint: New York, Elsevier, 1989
Binding: Hardback

8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. 0444880518 | 419 pgs. Sections cover: search and discovery methods for novel antimicrobials; reports on novel products; regulation and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites; novel developments in antibiotic production; resistance and mode of action studies; author index. Turquoise boards with white lettering show some light general surface wear. Usual library markings. Clean and tightly bound.. Book. Book Condition: Good Ex-Library Condition. Binding: Hardcover

Stock number: B031636. ISBN: 0444880518

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Mountainview Books

$US 35.00Add To Cart
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