3 books matched your search criteria.Click on the bookseller's name for bookseller contact information, sales conditions and to search or browse stock.
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Broken Record. Reminiscences

Imprint: London: Boriswood, 1934
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

First Edition. The second issue, with G4 in cancel and G5 missing. A very good copy in the original dark green cloth, spine dulled and lettering rubbed.

Stock number: 30035.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Collectors Treasury

$US 65.00Add To Cart
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Broken Record

Imprint: Boriswood
Edition: First Edition

1934 1st ed, 208 pp, Book has apparently been re-bound, but is in generally good condition, except for the two removed pages; slight foxing in prelims

Autobiographical memoirs of significant South African poet and author. The book has had pp 106-107 excised due to a libel suit being instituted against the author - thus it is known as the 'lawyered' edition, or 'second state'

Stock number: 26042. ISBN: n/a

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Africana Books

$US 50.00Add To Cart

Broken Record

Imprint: Boriswood, 1934
Edition: First Edition First Issue.
Binding: Hardback

A fine copy in the original dark green cloth (no d.w.). The scarce first issue, with pp. 103-106 intact. These pages, which contain a passage which libelled Hugh M'Diarmid, were removed prior to publication of the book,and substituted by a cancel leaf in the second issue. .

Stock number: 61917.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Collectors Treasury

$US 400.00Add To Cart
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