2 books matched your search criteria.Click on the bookseller's name for bookseller contact information, sales conditions and to search or browse stock.
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Di Leo, Joseph H.
Young Children and their Drawings

Imprint: New York, Brunner/Mazel, 1970
Edition: 1st
Binding: hardcover

Short wrinkle/tear top of 1st few pages, else fine in fine dj, 4to, 386 pp.

Stock number: BOOKS003211I.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Abacus Bookshop

$US 25.00Add To Cart

Di Leo, Joseph H
Young Children And Their Drawings

Imprint: New York, Brunner/Mazel, Publishers, 1970
Edition: 1st Edition
Binding: Hardcover

386pp. B&W Illustrations. Front cover bottom corner tip shows a waterstain. Both covers have the top and bottom edges lightly rubbed. DJ is lightly soiled and has a number of repaired closed tears and small chips, 4to, Good+ in Good+ Dust Jacket

Stock number: 036994. ISBN: 0876300182

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Chris Hartmann, Bookseller

$US 15.00Add To Cart
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