2 books matched your search criteria.Click on the bookseller's name for bookseller contact information, sales conditions and to search or browse stock.
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Evans, L. V.
Algal Biofouling (Studies in Environmental Science, Volume 28)

Imprint: New York, Elsevier, 1986
Binding: Hardback

8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. 0444427058 | 318 pgs. Chapters cover: a world-wide survey of slime formation in anti-fouling paints; the source of algal colonizers on rock substrates in a freshwater impoundment; adhesion of fouling diatoms to surfaces; synergism between antifouling biocides; cell attachment mechanisms in the flagellate, colacium; fouling on paints containing copper and zinc; diatom communities on non-toxic substrata and two conventional antifouling surfaces immersed in langstone harbour; the phsyiological ecology of nuisance algae in an oligotrophic lake; physico-chemical processes affecting copper, tin and zinc toxicity to algae; the control of fouling by non-biocidal systems; algal biofouling of oligotrophic lake tahoe; growth of the fouling alga cladophora glomerata; alga fouling in the north sea; importance of variation in algal immigration and growth rates estimated by modelling benthic algal colonization; recent investigations into the effects of algae on corrosion; diatom communities on steel protected from corrosion in weawater; structural morphology of diatom-dominated stream biofilm communities under the impact of soil erosion; measurements ofmetabolic activities within a baltic fucus vesigulosus community; Blue boards with white lettering show light general edgewear and slight sunfading to spine. Usual library markings. Clean and tightly bound.. Book. Book Condition: Very Good Ex-Library Cond Book. Binding: Hardcover

Stock number: B030185. ISBN: 0444427058

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Mountainview Books

$US 15.00Add To Cart

Evans, L. V.
Algal Biofouling (Studies in Environmental Science, Volume 28)

Imprint: New York, Elsevier, 1986
Binding: Hardback

8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. 0444427058 | 318 pgs. Chapters cover: a world-wide survey of slime formation in anti-fouling paints; the source of algal colonizers on rock substrates in a freshwater impoundment; adhesion of fouling diatoms to surfaces; synergism between antifouling biocides; cell attachment mechanisms in the flagellate, colacium; fouling on paints containing copper and zinc; diatom communities on non-toxic substrata and two conventional antifouling surfaces immersed in langstone harbour; the phsyiological ecology of nuisance algae in an oligotrophic lake; physico-chemical processes affecting copper, tin and zinc toxicity to algae; the control of fouling by non-biocidal systems; algal biofouling of oligotrophic lake tahoe; growth of the fouling alga cladophora glomerata; alga fouling in the north sea; importance of variation in algal immigration and growth rates estimated by modelling benthic algal colonization; recent investigations into the effects of algae on corrosion; diatom communities on steel protected from corrosion in weawater; structural morphology of diatom-dominated stream biofilm communities under the impact of soil erosion; measurements ofmetabolic activities within a baltic fucus vesigulosus community; Blue boards with white lettering. Usual library markings. Clean and tightly bound.. Book. Book Condition: Very Good Ex-Library Cond Book. Binding: Hardcover

Stock number: B039431. ISBN: 0444427058

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Mountainview Books

$US 4.00Add To Cart
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