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GONE FISHIN'. [UK,Uncorrected Advance Proof copy.]

Edition: UK,8vo wraps,Uncorrected,advance Proof.
Binding: Wraps,Uncorrected Proof copy., No dw/dj - Proof copy - as issued.
Inscription: Not SIGNED.

UK,slim 8vo wraps,Uncorrected Advance Proof copy.[Often of limited availability,the text of a forthcoming book,is printed and bound in softcovers for use by the author,editors, proofreaders and some favoured reviewers.For undecorated printed wraps,with minimal publication data imprinted - the produced/released number of copies would almost certainly be less than 500,and most probably would tend to be around 200 copies.For glossy pictorial illustrated wrappers,produced numbers are often higher than 200,but either have a scarcity to them. Often errors or earlier versions of text appear in these proofs.Versions where the text has changed considerably are obviously considered more desirable by their nature.] FINE.No owner inscrptn Bright,crisp,clean, sharp-cornered,matt,b/w photographic+front design illustrated front cover with capitalised grey-lettered title and author's other grey-lettered name and capitalised,white-lettered publication information on UNCOORECTED ADVANCE PROOF along with publicatuion date,format (HB), and ISBN at top edge of front cover.A flat, reading crease-free,white spine/backstrip with author's black-lettered name,white-lettered title to black background panels and publisher's capitalised,black-lettered name to foot of same, rear cover with white background with publisher's promotional information in white capitals on black background panels at top edge,publisher's address at lower edge similarly coloured+ lettered; remainder of cover white with black-lettered synopsis,author's potted biography and 2 critics' black-lettered reviews. Negligible shelf-wear to edges and corners - no nicks,tears or splits present.Top+fore-edges bright and clean; contents pristine - no dog-ear reading creases to any pages' corners,appears unread other than my own collation. Want other PROOF copies? Please search my MODERN FIRSTS, MODERN FIRSTS2, CHILDRENS/ILLUSTRATED, BIOGRAPHY, SIGNED, NAVAL/MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY catalogues for examples. Houston,1939.A 19-year old Easy Rawlins and his friend,the dangerous Mouse Alexander,are about to take the ride of a lifetime - into a mysterious bayou world of voodoo,sex,revenge and death that will both change and link their destinies for ever.Walter's previously unpublished first Easy Rawlins novel,introducing Easy and Mouse. Please contact seller,because of the light weight and the value of this item,for correct, insured shipping/P+p quotes - particularly ALL overseas buyers - BEFORE ordering through the order page! N.B. ALL buyers please note,stocks' actual shipping/P+p costs are adjusted and any difference is refunded,after order's receipt and before the order's despatch,especially if the item(s) are offered either P+p included/FREE. ** N.B. US/Canada customers please be aware: Standard US AIRMAIL postage from UK to these destinations can now cost more than the price of the book! If speed is not of the essence,then Economy rate is recommended - at approx. anything from a 1/3rd to 1/2 of the standard US AIR quote/rate - sometimes arriving sooner than the 42 days - but not always. **

Stock number: rja1775. ISBN: 1852426039.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: R. J. A. PAXTON-DENNY

£ 20.00 (approx. $US 26.03 )Add To Cart
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