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O'BRIAN, Patrick
Golden Ocean, The [Large Print]

Imprint: Bath, Chivers Press, c1956,1997
Edition: Large Print Edition
Binding: Hardcover; Ex-Lib

Ex-library book with usual stamps and markings but in nice condition with clean pages and covers. Spine ends and top corners slightly bumped, book very slightly cocked. Dust wrapper, with no library markings, is lightly edgeworn and rubbed.; This is a large print book. It is not part of the Aubrey and Maturin adventure series. In this first historical sea novel by O'Brian, 'lifelong friends Peter and Sean leave Ireland as midshipmen with Commodore Anson's excursion to circumnavigate the Earth in 1740.' 'Shipboard life rings true, the story never flags and humor and adventures (mis-adventures?) abound.' O'Brian says he wrote the book in about six weeks, "laughing most of the time," and readers will believe him., 472 pages, Very Good in Very Good+ dust wrapper

Stock number: 4511. ISBN: 0754010376

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Anglophile Books - AnglophileBooks.com

$US 17.50Add To Cart
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