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Russell, John
The Puzzle of the Parthenon by IN : Sophisticated Traveller : Beloved Cities - Europe

Imprint: London, Ebury Press, 1984
Edition: 1st UK Ed..
Binding: Softback

Collection of essays about famous cities in Europe by an assortment of well known authors. Includes London,Paris,Rome and Athens.The chapters on "Athens and Beyond " include : [1]The Puzzle of the Parthenon by John Russell [2] From Acropolis to Zappeion by David Plante [3] Insider's Guide to Greek Cuisine by Nicholas & Joan Gage [4] Landmarks, Lodgings and Getting Around by Mavrine Howe [5 ]Olympia: Sacred Wood of the Games by Peter Levi [6] O, Greece ! by Hugh Leonard. 469p. Index/.. Book. Book Condition: Fine. Binding: Soft cover

Stock number: 039618. ISBN: 0852235488

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Kalamos Books

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