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Wilcocks, Robert
Critical Essays on Jean-Paul Sartre

Imprint: Boston, Massachusetts, G. K. Hall, 1988
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. A Fine unmarked copy. 325 pages. Comprises: Introduction by Robert Wilcocks; 'On the Other Side of Despair' - The Politics of a Philosopher - Sartre Remembered by Lionel Abel; On Maoism - An Interview with Jean-Paul Sartre by Michel-Antoine Burnier; L'Imagination au Pouvoir - The Evolution of Sartre's Political and Social Thought by Thomas R. Flynn; This Place of Violence, Obscurity and Witchcraft by Robert Denoon Cumming; Sartre's L'Existentialisme est un Humanisme by Terry Keefe. The Selves in the Texts - Sartre and Literary Criticism - Three Methods in Sartre's Literary Criticism by Fredric Jameson; L'Idiot de la Famille - The Ultimate Sartre? by Ronald Aronson; Sartre's Concept of the Self by Hazel E. Barnes. The Texts in the Self - Sartre and His Fiction - The Prolapsed World of Jean-Paul Sartre by W.M. Frohock; Sartre's Nausea - A Modern Classic Revisited by John Fletcher; The Ending of Sartre's La Nausée by Terry Keefe; 'The Nine of Hearts' - Fragment of a Psycho-reading of La Nausée by Serge Doubrovsky; 'Looking for Annie - Sartre's La Nausée and the Inter-War Years by Nicholas Hewitt; Erostrate - Sartre's Paranoid by Gary Woodle; Paris as Subjectivity in Sartre's Road to Freedom by Prescott S. Nichols; Politics and the Private Self in Sartre's Les Chemins de la Liberté by S. Beynon John; Sartre Resartus - A Reading of Les Mots by Jane P. Tompkins. 'The Plays the Thing - Three Essays on Sartre's Theater - Sartre's Kean - The Drama of Consciousness by C.R. Bukala; Sartre's Kean and Self-Portrait by Catherine Savage Brosman; Les Séquestrés d'Altona - Sartre's Black Tragedy by Jeremy N.J. Palmer. 24. Book Condition: Fine. Binding: Hard Cover. Jacket: No Jacket

Stock number: 008407. ISBN: 0816188394

£ 18.00 (approx. $US 23.43 )Add To Cart
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