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Russell, John
Original Carte De Visite Photograph. " Earl Russell"

Imprint: St Paul, Minnesota, M. Watkins
Edition: First Edition

Circa 1865. Carte-de-Visite Photograph (2 1/2 x 3 3/4 inch) with publisher's name on the backside and name written at the bottom of the card. Image of Earl Russell standing. John Russell, 1st Earl Russell (1792-1878) served as Prime Minister twice during the 19th Century in England. A Whig and Liberal Politician, he played a major role in the reform movement in England. His son was Bertrand Russell - mathematician, philosopher and political campaigner. Fine clean copy.. Book. Book Condition: Collectible-Fine. Binding: No Binding

Stock number: 12144.

$US 37.50Add To Cart
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