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Carroll, Lewis
The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll

Imprint: N Y, Modern Library
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket

A clean, unmarked book with a tight binding. Previous owner's name or label inside. Tears on worn dust jacket. 1294 pages. Introduction by Alexander Woollcott. No date of publication shown; circa 1960. Includes Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Hunting of the Snark, Through the Looking Glass, Sylvie and Bruno, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded, and all the early and late verse, short stories, essays, phantasmagoria, games, puzzles, problems, acrostics, and miscellaneous writings.. Illustr.: Tenniel, John. Fiction. Book Condition: Near Fine. Binding: Hard Cover. Jacket: Good

Stock number: 152268.

$US 45.00Add To Cart
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