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Fraser, Sylvia
The Green Labyrinth: Exploring the Mysteries of the Amazon

Imprint: Toronto, Thomas Allen, 2003
Edition: 1st Can Ed
Binding: Hardback , With Dust Jacket
Inscription: Signed by Author(s)

In "The Green Labyrinth", Fraser journeys deep into the jungle of the Amazon in the company of shamans, traditional spiritualists practicing ancient rituals. At the heart of Fraser's quest lies the mind-expanding drug "ayahuasca", a gateway to worlds beyond her own, to a better understanding of the mysteries of existence. Author signature on title page.339p. bibliography glossary notes.. Book. Book Condition: Fine. Binding: Hardcover. Jacket: Fine

Stock number: 33089. ISBN: 0887621236

$US 22.50Add To Cart
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