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Modern Greek Poetry

Imprint: Athens, Efstathiadis., 2002
Edition: Reissue
Binding: Softback

One of the best collections available of Modern Greek poets in English translation. "This anthology is a massive and splendid achievement rivaling in scope, importance and uncompromising purity of expression the greatest monuments of translation. Friar's translations are superb works of English poetry in themselves, the work of a man who is as much a poet as he is a translator. Translations of poems of 32 Greek poets of the 19th and the 20th century." 326p. Biographies, bibliography. index. Name of previous owner on ffep, else as new.i. Book. Book Condition: Fine. Binding: Soft cover

Stock number: 34353. ISBN: 9602262435

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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