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Millner, Lynda; Millner, Cork; Waite, Gaylee (illustrator) / SIGNED
Looking Great Without Diet or Exercise: How to Look Thin, Instantly: Introduction By Jane Russell [illustrated Personal Grooming Techniques, Methods, explained]

Imprint: RARE: Hard-to-find!!, Ronda House Publishers 1987
Binding: Hardback
Inscription: SIGNED & INSCRIBED By Author

FF: Folio - within 9" x 12". Fep has been pri ce clipped. Fep has inscription and signature of Lynda Millner. Excellent "How-to" reference guide for both the beginner and established enthusiast. Easy to follow methods. Good information to use while learning at home. This is a good book, give it a try. Excellent self help reference guide to get you out of a slump, into a new place/awareness or on to the next project. Personal empowerment and growth techniques, methods, explained. Do it yourself with guidence from the experts. A fresh start in a new life direction. Please send us a note if you have any questions. Thank you.. Illustr.: 2. Illustrated with Black and White Photographs. Book. Book Condition: B: Book: Very Good. Jacket: No Dust Jacket

Stock number: 5003950. ISBN: 0941861007

$US 31.95Add To Cart
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