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Scarry, Richard
Richard Scarry's Busy Busy World : 33 / Thirty Three Exciting Adventures for Girls and Boys : 1966 Edition [Pictorial Children's Reader, Classic Scarry Drawings, Tales of Culture Around the World illustrated]

Imprint: Clean and Unmarked Text, Golden Book : Western Publishing Company Inc 1965
Edition: Oversized Pictorial Edition
Binding: Hardback

~~ SCARCE EDITION ~~. Hardback : hard cover edition in good condition, some wear to edges, spine has been nicely thermal cloth tape reinforced, interior gutter crack and celo tape repairs, table of contents page has been pencil checked for items read by previous owner. Excellent read for children, popular author. A good book to enjoy and keep on hand. Or would make a great gift for the fan / reader in your life. Corners slightly fray, minor, very clean copy. map end papers,. Illustr.: Fully Illustrated. Book. Binding: Sticker Mark on Cover. Jacket: No Dust Jacket

Stock number: 5028647.

$US 110.95Add To Cart
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