5 books matched your search criteria.Click on the bookseller's name for bookseller contact information, sales conditions and to search or browse stock.
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Imprint: 1964

Vulume 63.Fine plus in excellent condition. Due to size special handling may be required. Free gift wrapping, card and drop shipping. Let us know the occasion and message. ; Vol. 63, F+

Stock number: 674.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Seneca Valley Crafts d/b/a SENECA VALLEY USED BOOKS AND PAPER COLLECTIBLES

$US 30.00Add To Cart

CAMPO, Issa del
Nuestra raza frente a sus ancestros

Imprint: Ed. Orión, 1965


Libro en español

Stock number: 674.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Librería Miguel Miranda, AILA ILAB

 7.81 (approx. $US 9.20 )Add To Cart

Goldblatt, P & J Manning
Systematics and Biology of the Cape genus Sparaxis

76pp, a new revision of the genus, includes colour photos of all species, includes full description, distribution, etc

Stock number: 674.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Silverhill Seeds

R 80.00 (approx. $US 6.03 )Add To Cart

Innes, Hammond
North Star.

Imprint: Collins, 1974.
Edition: First Edition
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

SIGNED first edition. Dustjacket shows oil rig off Shetland. Price clipped and good throughout.

Stock number: 674.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: firstpagebooks

£ 22.00 (approx. $US 28.63 )Add To Cart

Latey, John Lash (editor)
The Illustrated London News. No. 1110. Vol. XXXIX. Saturday, September 28, 1861. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

Imprint: (London: George C. Leighton, 1861)

400 x 280 mm; magazine, disbound from volume XXXIX, without wraps (as issued), and contained within a film fronted bag; pp. [311-334]; several woodcuts. Regular light browning; some soiling and fingering throughout; some glue remnants to stitching; one short tear, repaired with archival tape. News in this number includes the progress of the American Civil War, with information up to the 14th of September, as reported in New York, and preparations for the International Exhibition of 1862. Illustrations include a two-page spread of the interior of the building built to house the 1862 International Exhibition, a full-page Landseer picture, entitled "Suspense", and depictions of the Great Eastern, damaged in a gale. There is also a full-page picture connected with the American Civil War, captioned "The Great Falls of the Potomac" (p.319). Some excerpts: 'A slight engagement between Generals Rosenkrantz and Floyd, near Summersville, in Western Virginia, is the only military event of the week. The engagement was indecisive. … A railway-bridge over the Platte River, on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Line, Missouri, broke down under the weight of a passenger train, containing nearly 100 men, women, and children. The cars were precipitated into the river. Seventeen persons were instantly killed, and many others horribly mangled. Only three were able to call for assistance. It appears that the timber supports of the bridge had been nearly burnt through and the fire then extinguished, thus leaving no suspicious appearance about the structure. It was subsequently discovered that some other bridges on the route to St. Joseph were similarly disabled, and the track obstructed by logs. It is supposed to be the work of Missouri Secessionists. … The report of the death of Jefferson Davis is destitute of truth. Prince Napoleon had left the United States and was travelling in Canada. He was well received in Quebec.'

Stock number: 674.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Christison Rare Books

£ 17.50 (approx. $US 22.77 )Add To Cart
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