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Charles Dickens
Dicken's Works : The Old Curiosity Shop and Lazy Two Apprentices. Victorian Edition

Imprint: New York, Nathan Simon, 1870
Edition: First Thus
Binding: Hardback

8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. Marbled boards leather bound with tooled maroon leather corners.Ep's are marbled and engravings are tissued. Top edges are gilt fore edges are rough cut.It is stated... a Part of a set of which this is one of the first thousand impressions.The corners are bumped and the hinges are cracking.Not dated Victorian Edition 1870c.Very rare from this long gone New York publisher.. Illustr.: C.Green. Book Condition: Good to Very Good. Binding: Leather and Leather Ribbed

Stock number: 901358.

$C 88.00 (approx. $US 69.46 )Add To Cart
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