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Charles Dickens
Dickens'Works :The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Imprint: New York, Dodd,Mead & Company, 1891
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Hardback

5" By 7 1/2" Tall. A very good copy.Part of a Forty Volume set from Dodd,Mead & Company and dated 1891 alas we are short nine volumes and will sell in part sets.The boards are just a little faded and the titles are in bright gilt to the spine.The top edges are gilt and edges rough cut. The bindings are tight and will last for another couple of hundred years or so.The engravings are superb.No names or marks of any kind this volume has slight water staining on the front 25 th page to page 115 mid to bottom of the fly and aboue 1/2" in...Very rare from Dodd,Mead. Illustr.: Illustrations and Engravings By S.L.Filders and C.Roberts Tissued Frontis. Book Condition: Very Good. Binding: Linen Hard Cover. Jacket: No Jacket Given

Stock number: 901944.

$C 42.00 (approx. $US 33.15 )Add To Cart
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