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Abatangelo, G.;Davidson, J.M.
Cutaneous Development, Aging and Repair (FIDIA Series, Volume 18)

Imprint: New York, Springer Verlag, 1989
Binding: Hardback

8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall. 0387969950 | 360 pgs. Sections cover: the structural components of the skin; circulation and repair of the skin; damage and cutaneous repair development, aging and immunology; turnover and enzyme regulation in connective tissue matrix; index. Navy blue boards with white lettering. Usual library markings. Clean and tightly bound.. Book. Book Condition: Very Good+ Ex-Library Cond.. Binding: Hardcover

Stock number: B030069. ISBN: 0387969950

$US 15.00Add To Cart
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