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Memorial Addresses and Other Tributes in the Congress of the United States on the Life and Contributions of Kenneth B. Keating

Imprint: Washington, U.S Gov't. Printing Office, 1973
Edition: 1st
Binding: hardcover
Inscription: Signed, inscribed or annotated

Fine copy, 8vo, 51 pp., Ninety-fourth Congress, First Session (Senate Document No. 94-74), Laid-in is a typed letter, signed by congressman Frank Horton on his congressional stationary to the mayor of Pittsford, NY. Horton took over the seat formerly occu[ied by Keating. There is also an ink stamp on the front free endpaper indicating that the book is "Compliments of Frank Horton, Representative to Congress, 34th District of New York."

Stock number: BOOKS065777I.

$US 30.00Add To Cart
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