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Frank Debenham
IN THE ANTARCTIC - Stories of Scott's Last Expedition

Imprint: Norfolk, ERSKINE PRESS, 1998
Edition: First
Binding: hardback

When Frank Debenham returned from the Antarctic in 1913 he resolved not to publish any reminiscences, but at the urging of many friends he published, in 1952, IN THE ANTARCTIC which deals chiefly with the lighter side of the three years he spent in the Antarctice. Written in his retirement, these delightful tales were Debenham's way of remembering some of the people - explorers, staff, research students - who passed through his tenure as Director of the Scott Polar Institute. The stories are a mixture of fact and fantasy, some are poignant, some are amusing, but all are delightful. The books are bound in slate-blue Irish linen buckram and blocked in gold on

Stock number: ITAA. ISBN: 1852970553

£ 15.00 (approx. $US 19.52 )Add To Cart
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