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Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer

Imprint: Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1866
Edition: Copyright edition
Binding: Hardback

small 8vo. xiv, 264pp. Half-title [31 titles listed on the reverse] but no adverts to the rear. Volume No 814 in Tauchnitz Collection of British Authors. Orig. half calf green binding with marbled boards and end-papers. All edges marbled. A fine binding by Bickers and Son, Leicester Square. Foxing to end-papers and neat hotel stamp on the title-pages. Gilt dec. spine. Fine morocco label.. Book Condition: V.g.. Binding: Hardback

Stock number: W283.

£ 25.00 (approx. $US 32.54 )Add To Cart
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