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Galápagos Islands, a unique area for scientific investigations. A Symposium preserted at the Tenth Pacific Science Congress [...] Unibersity of Hawaii, Honolulu, 21 August to 6 September 1961. [Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci., 44.]

Imprint: San Francisco, 1963.
Binding: Hardback

Large 8vo. Pp. 154, col. frontisp., 50 photos and figs., refs. Orig. wrs. - Contains 11 papers by specialists on various biological aspects of the Galápagos Islands.

Stock number: 5777.

Bookseller's details and sales conditions: Aquila Natural History Books / Aquila Antiquariaat

 18.00 (approx. $US 21.21 )Add To Cart
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