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Pakenham (Thomas): SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA, 1876-1912 Orr (Trooper A.S.): SCOTTISH YEOMANRY IN SOUTH AFRICA, 1900-1901, A record of the work and experiences of the Glasgow and Ayreshire Companies, by Trooper A.S. Orr, illustrated with Original Sketches by Trooper J. Hannan Watson and Photos by the Author and others Burdett-Coutts (W.): SICK AND THE WOUNDED IN SOUTH AFRICA, What I Saw and Said of Them and the Army Medical System
Holme (N.): SILVER WREATH, Being the 24th Regiment at Isandhlwana and Rorke's Drift, 1879 Ainslie (William): SIXTY-SIX YEARS' RESIDENCE IN SOUTH AFRICA, An Autobiographical Sketch by William Ainslie Parr (Captain Henry Hallam): SKETCH OF THE KAFIR AND ZULU WARS, Guadana to Isandhlwana
Coetzee (J.M.): SLOW MAN Jackson (M.C.): SOLDIER'S DIARY IN SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902, Written and illustrated by Murray Cosby Jackson (Late Sergeant 7th M.I.) Banffshire: SOLDIERS OF BANFFSHIRE IN SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902, Being a list of Banffshire Men Who Served in the War followed by A Short Diary of the War, An Article by J.W.F., and A Story by "linesman."
[Knight (Ian) Editor]: SOLDIERS OF THE QUEEN, Special Zulu War issue of the Journal of the Victorian Military Society Marais (Eugène): SOUL OF THE WHITE ANT, With a biographical note by his son. Translated by Winifred de Kok [Skotnes (Pippa) Editor]: SOUND FROM THE THINKING STRINGS, A visual, literary, archaeological and historical interpretation of the final years of /Xam life, Three original colour etchings and Seventeen original monochrome etchings by Pippa Skotnes, Translations from the Bleek and Lloyd collection of interviews with //Kabbo, /Han=Kasso and Dia!Kwain by Stephen Watson, Essays by John Parkington and Nigel Penn, foreword by Stephen Jay Gould
Trollope (Anthony): SOUTH AFRICA Davenport (R.) & Saunders (C.): SOUTH AFRICA: A MODERN HISTORY Potgieter (H.): SOUTH AFRICA: LANDSCAPES, LANDSHAPES AND MANSCAPES, text by Guy Butler
South African Archaeological Society: SOUTH AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Complete run from Volume 1, Number 1, December 1945 to Volume 52, Number 166, December 1997 [Bishop (P.J.G.)]: SOUTH AFRICAN BOOKPLATES, from the Percival J.G. Bishop Collection. With an introduction and notes by F.L. Alexander, and an index by Percival J. Bishop [Arnold (Marion) Editor]: SOUTH AFRICAN BOTANICAL ART, Peeling Back the Petals
[Kerkham (A.) Compiler]: SOUTH AFRICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE, 1600 - 1988 Coetzee (R.): SOUTH AFRICAN CULINARY TRADITION, The origin of South Africa's culinary arts during the 17th and 18th centuries, and 167 authentic recipes of this period Despatches: SOUTH AFRICAN DESPATCHES, Volumes I & II. Natal Field Army. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. [Cd. 457 & 458]
[Campbell (W.Y.) et al]: SOUTH AFRICAN GOLDFIELDS, Sketch of the Mining and Other Resources of the Transvaal Republic Wilson (Lady Sarah): SOUTH AFRICAN MEMORIES, Social, warlike & sporting from diaries written at the time Contrast: SOUTH AFRICAN QUARTERLY, Volume 1, Number 1 - Volume 28, Number 1, 109 issues
Vedder (H.): SOUTH WEST AFRICA IN EARLY TIMES, being the story of South West Africa up to the date of Maharero's death in 1890, Translated and Edited by Cyril G. Hall Burrows (J.E.): SOUTHERN AFRICAN FERNS AND FERN ALLIES Von Breitenbach (F.): SOUTHERN CAPE TREE GUIDE, with a leaf-key to 116 indigenous tree and tall shrub species of Outeniqualand and the Tsitsikimamma
[Warren (E.J.) Compiler]: SOUVENIR OF ST. HELENA [Cattrick (A.) Pseudonym]: SPOOR OF BLOOD, by A.P. Cartwright Klein (Harry): SPRINGBOKS IN ARMOUR, The South African Armoured Cars in World War II
[Theatre Program]: STANDARD THEATRE (JOHANNESBURG), programme for 'A Gaiety Girl!', a musical comedy by Owen Hall Gibson (J.Y.): STORY OF THE ZULUS, by J.Y. Gibson, for some years a magistrate in Zululand Hilliard (O.M.) & Burtt (B.L.): STREPTOCARPUS, An African Plant Study
Court (D.): SUCCULENT FLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, A comprehensive and authoritative guide to the indigenous succulents of South Africa, Botswana, South-West Africa/Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia & Mozambique incorporating the latest resea Haggard (H.R.): SWALLOW, A tale of the Great Trek Pappe (L.): SYNOPSIS OF THE EDIBLE FISHES, at the Cape of Good Hope
Wright (Constance H.): TALES OF CHINESE MAGIC, Illustrated by Dione Tyrrell Lewis [Cleaver (Marguerite Mostyn )]: TALES WRITTEN IN LADYBRAND, by Marguerite de Fenton Heyse (Paul): TANTALUS with MUTTER UND KIND, Zwei Novellen von Paul Heyse
De Burgh (Beatrix): TERRY, THE TROOP-HORSE, Illustrated by E. Stuart Hardy Espitalier (T.J.): THE 4' 8½" GAUGE RAILWAYS IN SOUTH AFRICA: 1845-1873 Roberts (E.P.): THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH, Captain of two hundred and fifty horse, and sometime president of Virginia
Duggan-Cronin (A.M.): THE BANTU TRIBES OF SOUTH AFRICA, Reproductions of Photographic Studies by A.M. Duggan-Cronin. Vol. II, Section III, Plates LIII - LXXVIII, THE SUTO-CHUANA TRIBES, Sub-group III, THE SOUTHERN BASOTHO, with an introductory article on t Du Plessis (I.D.): THE CAPE MALAYS, History, Religion, Traditions, Folk Tales, The Malay Quarter Pringle (J.A.): THE CONSERVATIONISTS AND THE KILLERS, The Story of Game Protection and the Wildlife Society of Southern Africa
Parkman (Francis): THE DISCOVERY OF THE GREAT WEST, A Historical Narrative Lapping (Brian): THE END OF EMPIRE Campbell (Roy): THE GUM TREES
Laband (John) & Thompson (Paul): THE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO THE ANGLO-ZULU WAR Di Lampedusa (Giuseppe): THE LEOPARD, Translated from the Italian by Archibald Colquhoun Carruthers (Jane) & Arnold (Marion): THE LIFE AND WORK OF THOMAS BAINES
Farwell (Byron): THE MAN WHO PRESUMED, A Biography of Henry M. Stanley Fransen (Hans) & Cook (Mary): THE OLD HOUSES OF THE CAPE Headrick (Daniel R.): THE TOOLS OF EMPIRE, Technology and European Imperialism of the Nineteenth Century
Campbell (Roy): THE WAYZGOOSE! Wallis (J.P.R.): THOMAS BAINES OF KING'S LYNN, Explorer and Artist, 1820-1875 Mitford (Bertram): THROUGH THE ZULU COUNTRY, Its Battlefields and its People
Paton (Alan): TOO LATE THE PHALAROPE Kolstee (H.J.): TRANSVAAL ALBUM, Bevattende een overzicht der geschiedenis van Zuid-Afrika tot den tegenwoordigen tijd Campbell (J.): TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA, Undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society; being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country
Barrow (John): TRAVELS INTO THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, in which are described the character and the condition of the Dutch Colonists of the Cape of Good Hope, and of the several tribes of natives beyond its limits: The natural history of such subjects as occurred in the animal, mineral, and vegetable kingdoms; and the geography of the southern extremity of Africa. Comprehending also a topographical and statistical sketch of the Cape Colony: with an inquiry into its importance as a naval and military station; as a commercial emporium; and as a territorial possession Damberger (C.F.): TRAVELS THROUGH THE INTERIOR OF AFRICA, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco; in Caffraria, the Kingdom of Mataman, Angola, Massi, Monoemugi, Muschako, Bahahara, Wangara, Haoussa, Etc, Etc., and thence through the Desert of Sahara and the north of Barbary to Morocco, between the years 1781 and 1797 M'Nab (William R.): TREATISE ON THE PROPAGATION, CULTIVATION AND GENERAL TREATMENT OF CAPE HEATHS, In a Climate Where they Require Protection During the Winter Months
German East Africa: TREATMENT BY THE GERMANS OF BRITISH PRISONERS AND NATIVES IN GERMAN EAST AFRICA, Presented to Both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. September 1917. [Cd. 8689.] Henkel (C. C.): TREE PLANTING FOR ORNAMENTAL AND ECONOMIC PURPOSES, in the Transkeian Territories, South Africa. By Caesar C. Henkel, Conservator of Forests Palmer (Eve) & Pitman (Norah): TREES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA
Breutz (P.L.): TRIBES OF THE MAFEKING DISTRICT, Department of Native Affairs, Ethnological Publications No. 32 Breutz (P.L.): TRIBES OF THE VRYBURG DISTRICT, Department of Bantu Adminstration and Development, Ethnological Publications No. 46 Breuil (Abbé Henri): TSISAB RAVINE AND OTHER BRANDBERG SITES, with the collaboration of Mary E. Boyle, F.S.A. (Scot.), L.H., Dr. E.R. Scherz and R.G. Strey
Baxter (Ahntony): TWO FOOT GAUGE, BEIRA RAILWAY 1890-1900 Du Moulin (Lt.-Col. L.E.): TWO YEARS ON TREK, Being some account of the Royal Sussex Regiment in South Africa, by the late Lt.-Colonel du Moulin Johnston (R.E.): ULUNDI TO DELVILLE WOOD, the life story of Major-General Sir Henry Timson Lukin, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., Chevalier Legion d'Honneur, Order of the Nile
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